black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Asesoría migratoria para tu futuro en Canadá

Expertos en migración y colocación de talento en Canadá, te guiamos paso a paso y de manera profesional en tu proceso de aplicación laboral, atención especializada con el mejor equipo de reclutadores certificados.

Asesoría Migratoria

Te guiamos en tu proceso migratorio exitoso.

Oportunidades laborales en Canadá para ti.

Colocación de talento en empresas canadienses.

Oportunidades Laborales
Consultoría Especializada

Expertos en asesoría migratoria y talento

En ALM Agencia Lazos Migratorios, ofrecemos asesoría especializada para tu proceso migratorio y colocación de talento en Canadá, garantizando un acompañamiento profesional y personalizado en cada etapa.

A tall modern building with numerous windows is set against a bright blue sky filled with scattered white clouds. A Canadian flag is prominently displayed on the facade of the building.
A tall modern building with numerous windows is set against a bright blue sky filled with scattered white clouds. A Canadian flag is prominently displayed on the facade of the building.

Servicios Migratorios

Asesoría especializada para tu proceso migratorio y colocación de talento en Canadá.

A waterfront scene featuring a modern building with large glass windows and white peaked roofs. People walk along the railing of a promenade that overlooks the water. The word 'CANADA' is marked prominently on the building, and the structure appears to be part of a large complex, likely a convention center.
A waterfront scene featuring a modern building with large glass windows and white peaked roofs. People walk along the railing of a promenade that overlooks the water. The word 'CANADA' is marked prominently on the building, and the structure appears to be part of a large complex, likely a convention center.
Asesoría Migratoria

Te guiamos en cada paso del proceso migratorio hacia Canadá con expertos, ya sea para migración en la modalidad EXPRESS ENTRY o por medio de un permiso temporal de trabajo.

Colocación de Talento

Conectamos tu perfil profesional con oportunidades laborales en el mercado canadiense, obtén la mejor vacante disponible en base a tu perfil.

Consultoría Personalizada

Ofrecemos atención individualizada para resolver todas tus dudas y necesidades migratorias, así también la gestión de todos los trámites, citas y procesos necesarios para tu migración a Canadá.

Opiniones Clientes

Descubre lo que dicen nuestros clientes sobre nuestros servicios migratorios.

La asesoría de ALM Agencia fue clave para mi éxito en Canadá ahora vengo en periodos de 1 año a trabajar con el mismo empleador y con las mejores oportunidades ya que aparte de la vacante me consiguieron alojamiento. ¡Gracias!

María López
Large illuminated letters spelling 'CANADA' are displayed in an urban setting at night. Several people sit or stand on the letters, with city lights visible in the background.
Large illuminated letters spelling 'CANADA' are displayed in an urban setting at night. Several people sit or stand on the letters, with city lights visible in the background.


El equipo de ALM Agencia me ayudó a encontrar oportunidades laborales en Canadá. Su apoyo fue invaluable y me guiaron en cada paso del proceso migratorio, se los debo todo a ellos.

A skyline featuring modern skyscrapers with varied architectural designs, including logos of major corporations such as KPMG, BMO, and EY. A prominent Canadian flag is waving in the foreground. The sky is mostly clear, contributing to a well-lit scene.
A skyline featuring modern skyscrapers with varied architectural designs, including logos of major corporations such as KPMG, BMO, and EY. A prominent Canadian flag is waving in the foreground. The sky is mostly clear, contributing to a well-lit scene.
Carlos Pérez



Galería de Éxitos

Descubre nuestros logros en asesoría migratoria y talento canadiense.

An aircraft with Air Canada branding is stationed at an airport gate with several workers surrounding it. The sky is overcast, and airport vehicles and equipment are present on the tarmac.
An aircraft with Air Canada branding is stationed at an airport gate with several workers surrounding it. The sky is overcast, and airport vehicles and equipment are present on the tarmac.
A large waterfront building with distinctive white sail-like structures on the roof, identified as Canada Place. The structure is adjacent to a body of water, with a cloudy sky in the background. The building's facade features glass windows and there is a mural visible on the side.
A large waterfront building with distinctive white sail-like structures on the roof, identified as Canada Place. The structure is adjacent to a body of water, with a cloudy sky in the background. The building's facade features glass windows and there is a mural visible on the side.
A person wearing a red bucket hat with white maple leaf patterns stands under scaffolding at night. In the background, there is a brightly lit street with a red car passing by.
A person wearing a red bucket hat with white maple leaf patterns stands under scaffolding at night. In the background, there is a brightly lit street with a red car passing by.
A Canadian flag waves prominently with a backdrop of majestic mountains. The sky is clear and blue, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The roof of a building can be seen in the bottom foreground, adding depth to the composition.
A Canadian flag waves prominently with a backdrop of majestic mountains. The sky is clear and blue, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The roof of a building can be seen in the bottom foreground, adding depth to the composition.
Multiple Canadian flags hang vertically from a modern building with columns. The facade is made of light-colored stone or concrete, and the windows are tinted green. The flags are prominently displaying the red and white maple leaf symbol.
Multiple Canadian flags hang vertically from a modern building with columns. The facade is made of light-colored stone or concrete, and the windows are tinted green. The flags are prominently displaying the red and white maple leaf symbol.
A large group of people gather outside the Toronto Eaton Centre, holding various flags including Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and Canadian flags. The crowd is dressed warmly, suggesting cold weather. Above the crowd is a large digital billboard displaying promotional content with faces and text.
A large group of people gather outside the Toronto Eaton Centre, holding various flags including Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and Canadian flags. The crowd is dressed warmly, suggesting cold weather. Above the crowd is a large digital billboard displaying promotional content with faces and text.

Aplica Ahora!

Un reclutador te está esperando para orientarte y ayudarte con tu proceso migratorio, mándanos un mensaje de WhatsApp o déjanos tus datos.


En AGENCIA LAZOS MIGRATORIOS, estamos comprometidos con la protección y el respeto de la privacidad de nuestros usuarios. Esta política de privacidad describe cómo recopilamos, utilizamos y protegemos la información personal que nos proporcionas al llenar nuestros formularios.

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- Nombre

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- Proporcionarte información sobre nuestros servicios

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- Uso de protocolos de seguridad para la transmisión de datos

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- Acceso restringido a la información por parte de nuestro personal autorizado

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- Cuando sea necesario para cumplir con la ley o una orden judicial

- Cuando sea necesario para proteger nuestros derechos o propiedad

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- Acceder a la información personal que hemos recopilado sobre ti

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